Tunbridge Wells Youth & Ladies Football Club is a not for profit organisation, managed by an elected voluntary Management Committee. With the aim to encourage and promote the development of football within the local community , The club will strive to provide an opportunity for players of both sexes to participate in football at all age and ability levels.
(Founded 1989) and Incorporated from 18th December 2015.
Affiliated to Kent FA as Tunbridge Wells Youth & Tunbridge Wells Ladies
(Updated 1st July 2023)
1) Name
The name of the Club is ‘Tunbridge Wells Football Development Club and is registered in England as Private Limited Company by guarantee without share capital use of 'Limited' exemption. Registered Number 09921807 and is herein after called ‘the Club’. The Club shall be affiliated to the Kent County Football Associations. Under the names Tunbridge Wells Youth Football Club & Tunbridge Wells Ladies and will operate under these names. The official Club colours are are all red.
2) Objectives
The Club’s primary objective shall be to provide Association Football, coaching and personal development for all the playing members, plus social activities as deemed desirable by the General Committee.
3) Ethos
The ethos of the club is to generate an atmosphere and environment where young players can develop their skills and enjoy the game in a friendly non-competitive environment until such time that they are mature enough to take part in competitive fixtures and leagues. The emphasis must always be on development, enjoyment, fair play and fostering team spirit rather than simply being winners.
3b) League Football
It is the policy of the club not to engage in league football for members aged under 11 years
(i.e. whilst still at Primary School). The only exception is for the Club to be able to enter sides into the KFA/SFA affiliated ‘Mini Soccer leagues’, for the U7, U8, U9, U10 and U11 age groups, if it chooses to do so. This is not automatic for each age group and will be determined by the General Committee on a case by case basis each season. Any decision to introduce League football (11-a-side or Mini Soccer) to any other age group within the club must be agreed at an Annual General Meeting.
The Club will support girl’s teams, equally with boy’s teams, both within the club, league football and in Mini Soccer, provided there are sufficient girl members to make it viable.
4) Officers
There are clearly at least 8 clearly designated roles for Officers within the club. The Officers are as follows:
Chairman, Vice Chairman, Club Secretary, Registration Secretary, Treasurer,
Webmaster, Pitch Coordinator & Schools Liaison Officer.
The appointment to these positions shall be by election from the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
Team Managers will be appointed by the General Committee for each year from U12’s to U18’’s plus as many managers as is appropriate to represent the 5 -11 year old age range, dependent on membership and involvement in Mini Soccer.
Each Team Manager can appoint his own Assistant or Joint Manager, with the Committee’s approval.
(For a list of the duties and responsibilities of each Officer, see separate document).
5) General Committee
The club shall be controlled by a General Committee of upto 8 members who will also act as and are known as the directors of the registered company. plus a Minute Secretary, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Club Secretary, and Treasurer shall comprise 4 of the places on the Committee with the remaining places being made up from Club members so that the Committee as a whole represents a good cross-section of all the playing ages within the club. In addition to the members so elected to the General Committee, the Committee may also co- opt up to two further members. Such members shall be entitled to vote at meetings of the Committee. All members of the General Committee shall by definition be deemed to be Full members of the Club and as such shall be entitled to vote with the exception of the Minute Secretary, Webmaster, Honorary Secretary & Pitch Coordinator which are non-voting positions. The appointment to these positions shall be by election from the membership at the Annual General Meeting. Any vacancy which occurs on the Committee during the season may be filled by the Committee, and the member appointed may hold office until the next Annual General Meeting, at which point he must stand for election to the position if he wishes to continue.
The Committee shall meet on no less than 6 occasions throughout the season to maintain the welfare of the club, at dates agreed by the Club Chairman as he sees fit. The proceedings at such meetings shall be duly recorded by the Minute secretary. At such meetings of the General Committee 5 members inclusive of the Club Chairman (or Vice Chairman) and Club Secretary shall form a quorum. Decisions taken by the Committee need a simple majority of those voting members present in order to be confirmed.
The General Committee should represent the club at all times when dealing with all official bodies over club matters but all correspondence must be directed through the Club Secretary.
6) Powers of the Committee
a) To appoint such sub-committees as may be deemed necessary from time to time, and shall receive reports from such sub-committees at it’s meetings.
b) To fill such vacancies as may arise in it’s constitution between Annual General Meetings.
c) To declare a seat vacant should a member be absent from 3 consecutive meetings without an explanation deemed to be satisfactory.
d) To employ and pay any person or persons to carry out work for the club. In particular, but not limited to, secretarial duties and pitch & ground maintenance, external coaching expertise. To pay expenses, such as traveling or out of pocket expenses, at the discretion of the Committee.
e) To subsidise club members up to the value of 100% for attending training courses such as coaching or First Aid, at the discretion of the Committee.
f) To purchase, lease, rent, hire or otherwise acquire any property for the promotion of the objectives of the Club and may construct, maintain and alter any buildings necessary for the work of the Club.
g) To make regulations for any property which may be so acquired.
h) To sell, let, mortgage, dispose of or turn to account, any or all of the property or assets of the Club, subject to such consents as may be required by law.
i) To borrow or raise money for the said objectives of the Club and on such security as shall be deemed necessary, subject to such consents as may be required by law.
The property, assets and finances of the club shall be vested in the General Committee.
All members of the committee have equal voting rights with any split decision to be decided by the casting vote of the Club Chairman.
7) Discipline
A disciplinary sub-committee formed from members of the General Committee shall be convened as necessary. They shall have the powers to fine or suspend players and to prevent parents from attending matches should it become necessary. The committee shall have power to recommend for expulsion any member deemed guilty of conduct deemed prejudicial to the good name of the club. (See Membership)
8) Suitability of Individuals
In the interests of all the membership any person connected with the club in any capacity, including helpers, will be submitted for positive vetting by the police, or any other appropriate body, as to their suitability to be working with children. The decision of the General Committee will be final.
All members of the club must abide by the current Code of Conduct (see appendix).
Failure to do so will result in the individual appearing before the Disciplinary Committee (see Membership).
All members of the club must abide by the current Child Protection Policy (see appendix).
Failure to do so will result in the individual appearing before the Disciplinary Committee (see Membership).
9) Membership
a) Playing membership shall be open to children aged 5 to 18 years currently registered with the Club, and who have paid the annual subscription, as determined by the General Committee and signed and returned the Club Code of Conduct document. The Club Secretary shall approve playing membership. A register of all playing members of the Club, will be kept by the Registration Secretary, at all times. Membership is open to both boys and girls, although Football Association and League rules can govern the appearance of girls in matches after reaching a certain age. All playing members within the Club will be deemed to be junior members of the Club. Junior members shall not be entitled to vote.
b) Full membership of the Club shall be open to any parent/guardian of a current playing member, or an elected Officer of the Club (See section 4 for list of Officers) even if that Officer is not the parent/guardian of a current playing member. Note: Team Managers are classed as Officers of the club, but not Joint Managers, Assistant Managers or Coaches (also see Section 4).
c) Membership is conditional on the individual having signed and returned the Club Code of Conduct Document, this applies to both playing members and non-playing members.
d) Associate members (i.e. not necessarily parents of playing members) may be granted membership of the Club at the discretion of the General Committee.
e) Full members shall be entitled to vote at meetings of the Club. Associate members shall not be entitled to vote. Voting shall be restricted to one vote per Full member. Hence, if both parents of a playing member attended an AGM or EGM, then only one would be eligible to vote on their child’s behalf. If the parent/guardians were representing two or more of their children, then they would both be able to vote, once each.
f) The General Committee will have the final decision if necessary, over the movement of playing members between teams within the club when their age makes them eligible for both. They shall decide in the best interests of the player and the club.
g) The General Committee shall have the right to warn an individual member as to their future conduct, suspend them from the club for a given period, or expel them from the Club. (See also Section 22 for Complaints Procedure).
i) To expel a member from the Club, a minimum of 5 members of the General Committee familiar with the circumstances, shall inform the Club Secretary in writing. The Club Secretary shall then communicate with the member (so that he may have the opportunity to explain or resign) and shall call a meeting of a subset of the General Committee which is empowered to make the decision. The subset shall comprise 5 members of the General Committee including the Vice Chairman. The Club Secretary shall also attend in a non-voting capacity. If the majority of the 5 members of the Committee present vote for his expulsion the member shall be expelled. Any member so expelled shall have the right of appeal exercisable by notice in writing to the Club Secretary within 14 days of expulsion.
If such an appeal is made the member will be summonsed within 21 days to attend a
meeting of a second subset of the General Committee and explain his case. The second subset shall comprise a different 5 members of the General Committee including the Chairman. The Club Secretary shall also attend in a non- voting capacity. If a majority of the 5 members of the Committee present vote for his expulsion then it shall be confirmed. If not confirmed the member shall be reinstated.
ii) Any member expelled in accordance with the rules or otherwise ceasing to be a member of the Club shall forfeit all such rights to or claim upon the Club or it’s property or funds as he otherwise would have by reason of his membership. He shall not be entitled to any return of subscription and shall immediately become liable to pay any monies outstanding at that time.
10) Annual Subscription
The annual subscription for each playing member shall be agreed by the General Committee before the start of each season
Subscriptions are due at the start of every season and shall be collected no later than the end of the 3rd month into the season.
The Chairman has the discretion to waive subscription fees for specific members in
exceptional circumstances or cases of hardship. Any such decisions must be recorded and made available to the General Committee for inspection.
In the event of non-payment of subscription within 3 months of the commencement of each new season an individuals’ membership can be terminated.
11) Insurance
The General Committee will ensure that an insurance policy is in place and paid for prior to the commencement of every season which covers 2 managers and 20 players from each team against bodily injury whilst playing, training, traveling to/from organised fixtures.
(An individual policy taken out by the Football Association will cover the club for Public Liability.)
12) Duration of Season
The General Committee will agree the operating dates for each season but in principle the club will typically close down during the summer for approximately 10 weeks during May, June and July and for approximately 2 weeks over the Christmas and New Year period.
13) Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting shall be held every calendar year. The Club Secretary shall give a minimum of 14 day’s notice of such meeting to all members.
The Financial Statement and Secretaries’ report shall be received by the Meeting which will also elect the Officers and General Committee by ballot, and transact any other business. All serving Officers wishing to continue for an additional term must be re-elected. Nominations for election of members as Club Officers or as members of the Club Committee shall be made in writing by the proposer and seconder, both of whom must be existing members of the Club, to the Club Secretary not less than 7 days before the AGM. Only full members aged 18 and over have the power to vote. Items which fall under the heading of ‘Any Other Business’ which will require a vote by the membership should be submitted in writing to the Club Secretary at least 7 days prior to the meeting. Any items raised after such a date, or at the meeting itself, shall only be accepted with the approval of the Club Chairman.
14) Extraordinary General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by the General Committee when deemed desirable and also on the written request of at least 5 full members.
The Club Secretary shall give 7 days notice to all members of such a meeting at which 10 voting members shall form a quorum.
15) Finance
The General Committee shall ensure that a proper Book of Accounts be kept and that it is independently audited by a properly qualified person on an annual basis. The auditor shall audit, then certify the annual statement of accounts and balance sheet before they are issued. Official receipts for all monies received shall be signed by either the Club Secretary or treasurer.
The General Committee shall authorise all cheques to be signed by at least 2 of the 3 named signatories at all times. The 3 named signatories will be Chairman, Treasurer and one other member of the General Committee.
16) Club Property
No member shall, without the consent of the General Committee, take away or permit to be taken away, damage or destroy, any property belonging to the Club.
17) FA Accredited Club
The Club shall at all times endeavour to ensure that it maintains its status with The FA For definition of requirements see separate document.
18) Rules and Constitution
a) A copy of the Rules and Constitution of the Club shall be available to all members
on request from the Club Secretary.
b) The Club shall have the status of an Affiliated Member Club of the Football Association by virtue of its affiliation to/membership of the Football Association. The Rules and Regulations of The Football Association Limited and parent County Association and any League or Competition to which the Club is affiliated for the time being shall be deemed to be incorporated into the Club Rules.
c) The Club will also abide by The Football Association’s Child Protection Policies and Procedures, Codes of Conduct and the Equal Opportunities and Anti-discrimination Policy.
19) Alteration to the rules
No alteration to these rules shall be made except at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose. Changes made at an AGM require a simple majority of those voting members present, whereas at an EGM any decision must be supported by at least 60% of those voting members present.
20) Members bound by Rules
Every member shall be bound by, and submit to, the rules as laid down in the Constitution of the Club.
21) Complaints Procedure
All complaints of any kind should be reported in writing to the Club Secretary. If he is unable to deal with them he shall submit them to the General Committee whose decision shall be final. In no incidence shall any Club member assume responsibility to directly reprimand any other member. Any member wishing to complain about a third party external to the Club (i.e. such as Officials, Referee’s, Managers, visiting Supporters etc.) must without exception do so via the Club Secretary. (See also Section 9(f) Membership.) The written report should include :
Details of what, when and where the occurrence took place. Any witness statement and names. Names of any other who you believe to have been treated in a similar way Details of any former complaints made about the incident, date, when and to whom made. A preference to a solution to the incident.
22) Other Business
Any matters not governed by the foregoing Rules shall be dealt with by the General Committee, the decision of such body shall be final and binding.
23) Interpretation
The use of the word ‘he’ within this document is assumed to be interchangeable with the word ‘she’ in all cases. For any differences in playing restrictions between boys and girls see Membership section 9a.
For the interpretation of this Constitution the Interpretation Act 1978 shall apply as it applies with interpretation of an Act of Parliament.
24) Dissolution
A resolution to dissolve the Club shall only be proposed at a General Meeting and shall be carried by a majority of at least three-quarters of the members present.
The dissolution shall take effect from the date of the resolution and the members of the Club committee shall be responsible for the winding up of the assets and liabilities of the Club. Any remaining assets shall not be paid or distributed amongst the Full Members of the Club. All surplus assets remaining after the discharge of the debts and liabilities of the Club shall be transferred to the parent county ‘Football Association’ (Kent) who shall determine how the assets shall be utilised for the benefit of the game and other voluntary organisations having similar objectives to those of the Club.
Roles and Responsibilities of Officers
1) Club Chairman
To be an active and enthusiastic figure-head for the club
To actively lead the club forward into the future.
To be responsible for the direction, policy and image of the club.
To act as Chairperson for the General Committee.
To ensure that the General Committee fulfills all its responsibilities and commitments.
To ensure that the Constitution of the club is maintained at all times.
To act as a focal point for all members and parents and be available accordingly.
To represent the club with the leagues, Referees Society and F .A. etc. at all times.
2) Vice-Chairman
To assist the Chairman in the running of the club.
To act as deputy for the Chairman as and when appropriate.
3) Club Secretary
To be responsible for all aspects of membership as defined in the Constitution.
To keep adequate and appropriate records of all meetings and decisions.
To arrange the dates, times, places and agendas of all meetings.
To ensure all members are informed of all meetings on a timely basis.
To act as liaison person with all team managers for arrangement of fixtures.
To represent the club with the leagues, Referees Society and FA etc at all times.
To assist with the arrangement and execution of any club organised social activities.
Help maintain the Club’s FA Accredited status
To maintain close liaison with the KFA/SFA and football development team regarding
training, junior players and mentor initiatives
Development of referees
Communication within the club on KFA/SFA training sessions, coaching seminars,
Futsal, disabled football & girls football.
Attend League meetings and accompany different managers to attend on a rota basis
4) Registration Secretary(s)
To maintain a Club register at all times, of all playing members.
To collect Club registration fees from all players, within the appropriate timescale set
out in the Constitution. To similarly maintain the league registration forms and fees for each league player and to submit to the KFA/SFA/CDJFL.
To ensure that the fees collected, reconcile to the playing membership list at all times.
To ensure that all subscriptions are banked as soon as possible.
To also keep a register of all temporary playing visitors and collect the associated fee.
To make the registration records available to the Committee, upon request.
To distribute the Club Code of Conduct to every member (not just playing members) and ensure that a signed copy is returned and filed.
5) Treasurer
To maintain an accurate and up to date Book of Accounts at all times
To be responsible for all moneys paid into and out of the club at all times.
To keep and issue appropriate receipts for all transactions.
To make the accounts available to the General Committee and auditor(s) on request.
To actively make it his/her business to ensure all financial activity is handled properly.
6a) Team Manager (League side including Mini Soccer)
To represent the interests of his squad within the structure of the club.
To conduct training sessions so as to adequately prepare the squad for competition.
To maintain good standards of behaviour and discipline within the squad.
To make every attempt to ensure the safety of his squad at all times on and off the field.
To be responsible for team selection for all fixtures.
To attempt to give the less able players in the squad every opportunity to develop too.
To be responsible for the management and condition of the designated kit(s).
To ensure, with the secretary, that all fixtures are properly arranged, and completed.
To be responsible for all aspects of league membership.
To attend league meetings on behalf of his squad and the club in general as required.
To ensure adequate availability of players to fulfil all fixtures.
To ensure adequate transport facilities are in place for all away fixtures.
To ensure collection of match subscription fees, fines and payment of referees.
To communicate the results of all games and produce match reports after home fixtures.
6b) Team Manager (Non-League side, including Mini Soccer)
To represent the interests of his squad within the structure of the club.
To conduct training sessions in keeping with the ethos of the club.
To make every attempt to ensure the safety of his squad at all times on and off the field.
To attempt to develop all players within his care to the best of their potential.
To ensure that all players are given the chance to play as a priority over results.
To maintain good standards of behaviour and discipline within the squad.
To ensure adequate availability of players to fulfil any fixtures.
To be responsible for team selection for any arranged fixtures.
To be responsible for the management and condition of any designated kit(s).
To liaise with all opposing clubs over fixtures, venues, referees, kits etc.
To arrange referee’s for all home league fixtures
To ensure, with the secretary, that all fixtures are properly arranged, and completed.
To ensure adequate transport facilities are in place for any away fixtures.
To communicate the results of all games and produce match reports after home fixtures.
7) Minute Secretary
To keep full and correct minutes of all Club meetings and decisions taken.
8) Webmaster
To maintain the Club web site.
To enable internet access to all club activities, keeping within KFA/SFA guidelines and in
accordance with club’s child protection policy. All content published must be as a result of
close liaison with the General Committee and be with their full and prior agreement.
9) Fixture, Referee and Pitch Co-ordinator
Covering 11-a-side & Mini Soccer
To work closely with the Senior Manager (Mini Soccer) and the Club secretary and all
the key contacts regarding all the referees and associated pitch representatives and
10) Soccer Parent (Charter Standard Club role)
To encourage the club to work pro-actively with parents
To generate ideas and resources for working with parents
To create initiatives to ensure parents are aware of club policies
To help to make parents aware of their responsibilities
11) Volunteer Co-ordinator (Charter Standard Club role)
To recruit new volunteers.
To ensure volunteers are provided with an induction to the club
To provide volunteers with a brief of their role
To ensure there is a training programme available for volunteers
To ensure that volunteers are rewarded
12) Schools Liaison Officer (Charter Standard Club role)
Look to establish links with local schools by:
Meeting with local schools at least twice per year
Be a contact for local schools
Ensuring local schools receive information on the club
Establishing ways the club can support the schools football programme
13) Club Welfare Officer
• There is a safeguarding children policy, anti-bullying policy and equality policy in place;
• Those who hold official roles eligible for an FA DBS check have one that is in-date;
• Officials, players and parents know who their club Welfare Officer is and what the role of the Welfare Officer is;
• There are responsible recruitment processes which include the takingup of references
You should always:
• Work collaboratively with your CFA DSO;
• Attend committee meetings, ensuring safeguarding is a regular agenda item;
• Work proactively with your local welfare officer network(s) and attend network meetings;
• Give children and young people a voice.
When reporting safeguarding concerns, always:
• Ensure everyone has access to your safeguarding policy and reporting procedures;
• Ensure concerns are dealt with swiftly and in line with The FA's safeguarding policy;
• Seek advice from your CFA DSO when necessary;
• Use The FA’s Referral Form to report safeguarding concerns (see Guidance Notes 2.2 Safeguarding Referral Form – Affiliated Football)
When raising safeguarding
awareness, always: • Promote The FA’s Safeguarding training among coaches/managers, first-aiders, referees and parents/carers;
• Ensure committee members complete the free online FA ‘Safeguarding for Committee Members’ course;
• Encourage young leaders to complete The FA’s online ‘Introduction to Safeguarding’
• Familiarise yourself with and make use of The FA’s safeguarding children best practice guidance.
• Ensure you consistently deal with poor practice concerns in line with club policy and procedures.
When monitoring and reviewing, always:
• Ensure compliance with Enhanced DBS checks via The FAs online ‘Whole Game System’;
• Track repeated incidents of poor behaviour and liaise with your committee and where necessary your league and/or County FA.
It’s critical you are familiar with the Code of Conduct and ensure you adhere to it.
14) Social Media & Communications
To maintain the Club Social Media accounts and general emails.
keeping within KFA/SFA guidelines and in accordance with club’s child protection policy. All content published must be as a result of
close liaison with the General Committee and be with their full and prior agreement.
15) Coach Mentors
The role of the Mentors is going to vary from year to year. They are not there to take over, Head Coaches will remain. They are basically here to assist, inspire and help the development of both players and coaches.